Homesteading Workshops

Laura Rios and The Happy Meat Farm

What workshops are offered?

Canning 101

Are you interested in perserving the flavors of summer or stocking your pantry with homemade jams, pickles, and more? Learn from Laura’s personal canning experince and knowledge so that you can succeed in the basics of home canning. 

Bread making 101

There’s nothing quite like the sweet aroma of freshly baked bread. In this wokrshop Laura will demonstrate the steps for creating that perfect home made bread loaf. What an amazing gift to give your family each week.

Medicinal use of plants

Have you ever wondered about a more natural approach to healing and taking care of our bodies? Laura has extensive knowledge centered around utlizing plants we see every day, and varieties we can grow to help us acheive that very thing. You’ll learn about the benefits of solei, colloidal silver, bentonite clay, and castor oil. Join this workshop to increase yor knowledge in plant recognition and use. 

The Happy Meat Farm

The Happy Meat Farm


Manzano Mountain Retreat

210 A Los Pinetos Rd

Torreon , New Mexico  87061



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